Essential Oils

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Essential Oil Therapy

Essential Oil Therapy for Soul, Mind, & Body

Welcome to our information page on using essential oils with acupuncture treatments as well as with acupressure as a self-care practice. Dr. Beverly believes in the powerful synergy that arises when the healing properties of essential oils are combined with the ancient wisdom of acupuncture/pressure.

Essential oils, derived from aromatic plants, carry potent therapeutic properties that can complement and enhance the effects of acupuncture treatments. When carefully selected and applied, these oils can support the body's healing process, promote relaxation, and restore balance to the mind, body, and spirit. By incorporating essential oils into acupuncture sessions, we create a sensory experience that deepens the therapeutic benefits and enriches your treatment.

Additionally, using essential oils in acupressure self-care practices between acupuncture treatments allows you to extend the benefits of the therapy and actively participate in your healing journey. Acupressure involves applying pressure to specific acupuncture points on your body, and when combined with the aromatic power of essential oils, it can amplify the effects and promote self-healing. By utilizing essential oils in self-care routines, you can experience ongoing relief, relaxation, and rejuvenation.

Dr. Beverly is knowledgeable in both the art and science of essential oil selection and application. She considers your unique needs, preferences, and treatment goals to create customized blends that harmonize with your acupuncture session. Essential oil diffusion is also used to reduce germs in the air. At DBHC we use the Young Living Thieves essential oil for this.

Discover the profound healing potential that arises from the fusion of essential oils, acupuncture/pressure. Contact us today to learn more about our integrated approach and how essential oils can enrich your acupuncture treatments and self-care routines.


Contact Us Today

Contact us today to learn more about our integrated approach and how essential oils can enrich your acupuncture treatments and self-care routines.

After trying many different esnetial oil brands, we only recommend Young Living® Oils for their purity & efficacy. For any oils to be taken internally we recommend the Young Living Vitality® line of oils.

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Visit our Online Store page to find out how to save 24% on every monthly order from Young Living.


Essential Oil Program

Learn more about Essential Oils from the EO Website sponsored by the Dancing Bear Enlightenment Academy.


Workshops, Lectures, & Courses

Dr. Beverly regularly holds online and live events on holistic health. These include:

  • Meditation - various meditation techniques are explored with discussions on when to use each type. Her workbook is Meditation Demystified by Dancing Bear AKA Dr. Beverly.
  • Energy Healing - this workshop explores various types of energy healing techniques including setting the intention, setting up a sacred space, creating an altar, and much more...
  • Herbs for the Home Medicine Cabinet - a discussion of must have herbs for the home with information on when and how to use them.
  • Herbs for Travel - a discussion of herbs to take with you when you travel to easily deal with common ailments
  • Herbs for the Flu Season - herbs to use to both boost the immune system and help ward off influenza as well as herbs to take in the event you do get sick.
  • Chinese Nutrition - "Food as Medicine", heal through the food you eat
  • Dr. Beverly offers a free program to help people manifest their health and ideal life at OM for Success.

Free, Low Cost, & Advanced Programs

In the Dancing Bear Enlightenment Academy (DBEA) APP there is much free content & courses, low cost courses, as well as very reasonable Evergreen workshops. Dr. Beverly's free meditation program, OM for Success and her other programs are listed at her Dancing Bear Holistic Transformation site.

Dancing Bear Enlightenment Academy APP (DBEA)

In the Dancing Bear Enlightenment Academy APP (DBEA) APP there is much free content & courses, low cost courses, as well as very reasonable Evergreen workshops.

Weekly Live Meditation on YouTube

Join us live every Thursday, at 5 pm MST-Arizona (we do not have daylight savings) or listen later if that is more convenient. We broadcast on our Dancing Bear Enlightenment Academy YouTube channel.