Complex Chronic Conditrtions

complex chronic conditions Image

DBHC & Complex Chronic Conditions (CCC)

Heal the Underlying Cause of a Condition is Real Healing, versus Just Masking Symptoms

Welcome to the DBHC webpage on Complex Chronic Conditions (CCC). The diagnosis of CCC is a specialty of Dr. Beverly who is a Holistic Medical Intuitive and able to not only use many different healing techniques (modalities) but is able to "see into the body" and determine underlying causes of conditions. Treating the symptoms is not effective for long term treatment as the conditions will only return. Once the underlying cause of the condition is determined, the patient can be brought back to complete health within limits.

Today many people suffer from chronic conditions. As people age the number of these conditions in one person increases. People are prescribed multiple medications that only mask the symptoms and over time they only get worse and not better.

This is one of our specialties. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is pattern oriented, while Western (Allopathic) Medicine is disease oriented and focuses on mitigating symptoms. If the disease either cannot be diagnosed or the treatment is pharmaceutical in nature, then the condition deteriorates over time. TCM uses 5-elements or Wu Xing. Dr. Beverly also incorporates the Taoist principle of Wu Shen in her treatments to create a top down approach of healing the Spirit, Mental, Emotional, and Physical aspect of each person and their unique condition.

At DBHC we conduct a full medical history intake to determine the underlying conditions that caused the initial problem. We look at the patterns and not only relieve the symptoms but work with the patient to heal the underlying cause. This can take time and the pattern will change over time as the body heals and health is restored.

There are three stages to this healing process. First, if there are any acute conditions such as pain these need to be relieved as much as possible. We will address diet and lifestyle changes to help improve one's quality of life. We use acupuncture and Chinese herbs (when warranted), Essential Oils & Bach Flower Essences if appropriate, as well as diet changes to support the healing process.

Second, we will continue to support the healing process, but the treatments will be less frequent as the body slowly comes back into balance.

The final stage is support or the maintenance phase. These are ongoing treatments to keep the body in balance. Depending on the severity of the condition and how much the body is able to heal the treatments may be weekly (in severe cases), monthly (typical), or quarterly (the minimum recommended to stay balanced). Visit our wellness page for keeping the body in balance and healthy.


Contact Us Today

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can support your holistic well-being.


Workshops, Lectures, & Courses

Dr. Beverly regularly holds online and live events on holistic health. These include:

  • Meditation - various meditation techniques are explored with discussions on when to use each type. Her workbook is Meditation Demystified by Dancing Bear AKA Dr. Beverly.
  • Energy Healing - this workshop explores various types of energy healing techniques including setting the intention, setting up a sacred space, creating an altar, and much more...
  • Herbs for the Home Medicine Cabinet - a discussion of must have herbs for the home with information on when and how to use them.
  • Herbs for Travel - a discussion of herbs to take with you when you travel to easily deal with common ailments
  • Herbs for the Flu Season - herbs to use to both boost the immune system and help ward off influenza as well as herbs to take in the event you do get sick.
  • Chinese Nutrition - "Food as Medicine", heal through the food you eat
  • Dr Beverly offers a free program to help people manifest their health and ideal life at OM for Success.

Free, Low Cost, & Advanced Programs

In the Dancing Bear Enlightenment Academy (DBEA) APP there is much free content & courses, low cost courses, as well as very reasonable Evergreen workshops. Dr. Beverly's free meditation program, OM for Success and her other programs are listed at her Dancing Bear Holistic Transformation site.

Dancing Bear Enlightenment Academy APP (DBEA)

In the Dancing Bear Enlightenment Academy APP (DBEA) APP there is much free content & courses, low cost courses, as well as very reasonable Evergreen workshops.

Weekly Live Meditation on YouTube

Join us live every Thursday, at 5 pm MST-Arizona (we do not have daylight savings) or listen later if that is more convenient. We broadcast on our Dancing Bear Enlightenment Academy YouTube channel.